Unravelling Earth’s Evolution

Despite tectonic processes, erosion and deposition over billions of years, rock solid evidence survives.

An astonishing trail of rock-solid evidence extends across every continent.

Evidence revealing profoundly significant tectonic phenomena.

Phenomena unrecognised in current thinking.

Comprehensive, cumulative and compelling evidence built during 10 years of original research.

Evidence challenging current understanding of Earth’s evolution and tectonics.

Evidence providing a resolution to the current confusion of conflicting hypotheses, inconsistent ad hoc variations and puzzling enigmas:

 A new – simple – unifying hypothesis of Earth’s dynamics.


The evolution of continents is revealed. Over 3 billion years. Back to their origins.

An initial live webinar in mid 2025 will illustrate – with pivotal examples – continental evolution and the underlying tectonic processes.

In the meantime, background information and updates will be provided periodically in the blog and on LinkedIn.

Explore how we might work together and rapidly advance the hugely exciting opportunities this research offers…

Unleash new research opportunities…

Supercontinents and the Wilson Cycle

Continental rifting and break-up

Large igneous provinces

Precambrian research

Intraplate volcanism

Mantle plumes (not)

Strange formations offshore Sumatra – undiscovered giant submarine landslides, a major strike slip fault and a significant map discrepancy – were the catalyst for over 10 years of curiosity-driven original research. My geophysics project – at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton – wasn’t about these, but they were too intriguing to ignore. Intriguing, and the beginning of the completely different perspective maintained throughout the project.

I am just emerging from “stealth mode.” Researching alone all that time help me get my head around all the data and observations. However, as I’m 67, this knowledge is becoming increasingly vulnerable, so I’m now keen to spread the word as rapidly, widely and effectively as possible.

The emergence of this new unifying theory of Earth’s tectonics and dynamics will raise many questions and concerns. Existing research projects may lose direction and power, running the risk of foundering on the rocks.

However, I believe that for many projects, resetting course with a significant shift of the rudder will ensure safe navigation to “blue ocean” research opportunities.

If you would like help to achieve this swiftly and successfully, do get in touch.

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